1908 Archduchess Renata, née Habsburg study for the painting “Archduchess Renata and Prince Hieronim Radziwiłł visiting the Princes Czartoryski in Wola Justowska near Cracow” by Wojciech Kossak (location unknown)

If you see this missing work, please contact the nearest Polish embassy or consulate.

From kolekcje.mkidn.gov.pl/katalog/podglad?ID=32147.

1908 Archduchess Renata, née Habsburg study for the painting “Archduchess Renata and Prince Hieronim Radziwiłł visiting the Princes Czartoryski in Wola Justowska near Cracow” by Wojciech Kossak (location unknown)

Jauntily dressed Archduchess Renata looks at the viewer in a striped suit while out fishing in this 1908 Kossak study.

Keywords:  1908, Kossak, Archduchess Renata, Archduchess, Princess, Habsburg family, Radziwill family, Austrian, hat, blouse, high enclosing neckline, ruff, long sleeves, jacket, long close sleeves

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