Sophie Charlotte, Gemahlin des Prinz Eitel Friedrich

Upgrade image posted 13 February 2016 from eBay; flaws removed in background with Photoshop and sepia tone removed.

Sophie Charlotte, Gemahlin des Prinz Eitel Friedrich UPGRADE EB detint deflaw bkgnd

The photographer snapped Princess Eitel Fritz from a different angle than in the last image to take this photo.

Keywords:  1907, Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg, Sophia Charlotte von Oldenburg, Prinzessin Eitel Friedrich, Lotte, Princess Eitel-Fritz, Princess, Oldenburg family, Hohenzollern family, German, bouffant coiffure, feathered hat, blouse, high enclosing neckline, over-bodice, bertha, lace, elbow length high puffed sleeves, engageantes, blouson bodice, shallow vee waistline, A-line skirt, draped necklace, pin, bracelets

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