1633 Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson by Sir Anthonis van Dyck (National Gallery of Art - Washington, DC USA)

Upgrade image posted 19 December 2013 from the-athenaeum.org.

1633 Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson by Sir Anthonis van Dyck (National Gallery of Art - Washington, DC USA)

Queen Henrietta Maria wera her trademark jacket bodice, trimmed with gold and gold lace, in this 1633 van Dyck portrait. According to Ribeiro and Cumming, The Visual History of Costume, p. 111 (1989), "Note-The Queen wears hunting dress... Head-The full, softly curling hair with a lock arranged over one shoulder mirrors the male hairstyles of this date, as does the low-crowned wide-brimmed hat and deep lace collar fastened at the neck. Body-The bodice collar is taken down the waist and held by the looped belt or sash." Boucher in 20,000 Years of Fashion, p. 255 (1987 English translation) describes the "...The boned bodice or corps de jupe was characterized by a stiff plastron whose point overlapped onto the skirt or bas dejupe; that was often covered with a busquiere in some rich material..." that was characteristic of the 1625-1650 era- gogm.) The bodice has deep side tabs and a central stiffened stomacher. Skirt and bodice are of matching material which has been pinked. Narrow rows of braid create the impression of a slimmer vertical line, although the skirt is full, worn over hip pads. The cuffs are of tightly gathered layers of linen."

Keywords:  1633, van Dyck, British, Stuart family, Bourbon family, Queen, Queen Henrietta Maria, curly coiffure, feathered hat, high neckline, collar, lace, jacket bodice, stomacher, bows, natural waistline, waist band, scarf, elbow length puffed sleeves, frilly cuffs, full skirt

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