1860s Comtesse de Castiglione robe de taffetas by Pierre-Louis Pierson (Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York City, New York, USA)

Upgrade image posted 4 January 2018 from the museum's Web site; removed spots with Photoshop and removed monocolor tint and increased contrast.

1860s Comtesse de Castiglione robe de taffetas by Pierre-Louis Pierson (Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York City, New York, USA) From the museum's Web site despot detint inc. contrast

This dress adopts one of the themes seen in her ermine pictures, frogging staggered down the front of her bodice with contrasting trim.

Keywords:  Pierson, Virginia Countess of Castiglione, Virginia Elisabetta Luisa Carlotta Antonietta Teresa Maria Oldoini Verasis Asinari, contessa di Castiglione, comtesse de Castiglione, La Castiglione, Nicchia, Oldoini family, Verasis family, Countess, French, mistress, Napoleon III, ribboned hat, coat, frogging, long Russian sleeves, crinoline

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