1873 Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein by Hills & Saunders

From eBay; removed spots in background with Photoshop and removed monocolor tint.

1873 Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein by Hills & Saunders eBay despot background detint

Princess Helena’s dress has numerous pleats and tassels found in first bustle period dresses.

Keywords:  1873, Hills & Saunders, Princess Helena, Helena Augusta Victoria, Helena von Großbritannien und Irland, Lenchen, Prinzessin von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, Prinzessin Christian, Princess Christian, Hanover family, Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg family, Princess, German, straight coiffure, braided bun, headdress, chemisette, high neckline, jabot, long tight under-sleeves, bracelets, buttons, jacket bodice, tasseled pleated revers, long full over-sleeves, pleated contrasting cuffs, tassels, bows, bustle, pleated ruched over-skirt, full under-skirt

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