Queen Wilhelmine of the Netherlands, born Princess of Prussia Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina by ? (location unknown to gogm)

Upgrade image posted 16 February 2014 from www.haagsetijden.nl-entry-1130#.UwBwaygnI-A.

Queen Wilhelmine of the Netherlands, born Princess of Prussia Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina by ? (location unknown to gogm) From www.haagsetijden.nl-entry-1130#.UwBwaygnI-A

This is another somewhat risqué portrait of Wilhelmina van Pruisen wearing a plunging vee neckline in a style adopted by Jennifer Lopez and other later theatrical stars. Her over-bodice, made of olive green satin, has a ruff that is also olive green satin rather than white linen or similar material.

Keywords:  Queen Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina, Wilhelmine von Preußen, Wilhelmina van Pruisen, Echtgenote van de Koning der Nederlanden Groothertogin van Luxemburg, Princess, Queen, Hohenzollern family, Oranje family, long bouffant coiffure, over-bodice, neckline ruff, vee décolletage, close sleeves, chemisette, lace, waist band, natural waistline, wrap

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