1736 Marie-Josèphe d'Autriche by Louis de Sivestre (location unknown to gogm)

From Wikimedia.

Marie Josephe may have changed since her 1719 de Silvstre portrait, but her dress has not. Maria Theresia would dress in much the same style until 1780. Marie Josephe is wearing panniers that flare out in more of a circle like a nineteenth-century crinoline.

Keywords:  1736, de Silvestre, Queen Maria Josepha of Poland, Archduchess, Queen, Habsburg family, Wettin family, long straight coiffure, hair jewelry, scoop neckline, modesty piece, bertha, lace, stomacher, forward-back flared engageantes, vee waistline, panniers, order sash, order star, order bows, earrings, jeweled bodice ornament, brooch, fan, robes

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