1665 La infanta Margarita de Austria by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo (Colección Real via Museo Nacional del Prado - Madrid, Spain) AR head and bodice

This shows the head, bodice of Infanta Margarita in her famous 1665 portrait by del Mazo.

1665 La infanta Margarita de Austria by Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo (Colección Real via Museo Nacional del Prado - Madrid, Spain) AR head and bodice

Keywords:  1665, del Mazo, Infanta Margarita, Empress, Habsburg family, Spanish, long straight coiffure, jeweled feathered headdress, straight neckline, full puffed sleeves, slashed sleeves, back flared cuffs, vee waistline, saya, farthingale, saya, over-skirt, bows, earrings, jeweled bodice ornament, brooch, bracelets, rings, handkerchief

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