1530s Renee de Valois, Duchesse de Ferrara (1510-1547) daughter of Louis XII of France and Anne of Brittany by Corneille de Lyon (location ?)

From jeannedepompadour.blogspot.com/2012/09/valois-women-of-valois-duchess-of.html. Also posted to Renée de France’s new Subalbum here.

1530s Renee de Valois, Duchesse de Ferrara (1510-1547) daughter of Louis XII of France and Anne of Brittany by Corneille de Lyon (location ?) From jeannedepompadour.blogspot.com/2012/09/valois-women-of-valois-duchess-of.html

This dress has a natural, rather than a vee, waistline. The lower sleeves are not visible.

Keywords:  de Lyon, Renée de France, Renata di Francia, comtesse de Chartres, duchesse de Chartres, comtesse de Gisors, dame de Montargis, duchesse de Ferrare et de Modène, duchessa di Ferrara Modena e Reggio, Valois-Orléans family, Este family, Princess, Duchess, Italian, wavy coiffure, French hood, veil, shallow necklace, necklace, chemise, modesty piece, crescent neckline, fitted bodice, jeweled crescent neckline, quarter length close upper sleeves, full middle sleeves, puffed cloth ornaments, natural neckline

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