1597 Katarzyna Ostrogska, nee Lubomirska by ? (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie - Warsawa, Poland)

Her Polish-language Wikipedia article is here.

From Wikimedia. Also posted to the Late Farthingale Era - 1590 to 1620 Album here.

1597 Katarzyna Ostrogska, nee Lubomirska by ? (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie - Warsawa, Poland) Wm

This dress looks like a saya, but it isn’t. Her cape has no hanging sleeves and the false sleeves may just be part of her chemise. The dress is influenced by the saya. The table cloth shows beneath her skirt, suggesting maybe 15 cm or more of skirt clearance.

Keywords:  1597, Katarzyna z Lubomirskich Ostrogska, Lubomirski family, Ostrogski, Polish, straight coiffure, jeweled lace-trimmed French hood, jeweled headdress, veil, high enclosing neckline, earrings, neckline ruff, cape, under-bodice, long close sleeves, bracelets, lace-edged back-flared cuffs, vest bodice, girdle, down turned waistline, maxi-length flared close skirt, gloves

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