1630s Lady Hester Bowyer by Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen (UK Government Art Collection)

Lady Hester Bowyer, née Skeffington, article in the peerage is here.

An artist once called Cornelius Johnson is now named Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen.

Upgrade image posted 5 February 2016 from Wikimedia. Also posted to the Collars to Casual - 1630 to 1640 Album here.

1630s Lady Hester Bowyer by Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen (UK Government Art Collection) Wm

Lady Hester Bowyer wears a dress with a gorgeous lace-edged ruff collar in this 1630s portrait by Cornelius Johnson.

Keywords:  1630s, Johnson - Cornelis, Skeffington family, Bowyer family, British, curly coiffure, trapezoidal neckline, earrings, necklace, lace collar, bows, full paned virago sleeves, waist band, shallow vee waistline

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