1853 Cecylii Lubomirskiej by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu - Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie, Poland)

A genealogical sketch for her is located here.

Upgrade image posted 29 May 2019 from Wikimedia. Also posted to the “Early” “Victorian” - 1837 to 1869 Album.

1853 Cecylii Lubomirskiej by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu - Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie, Poland) UPGRADE Wm

Princess Cecilia's jacket is decorated with a lace collar. A plaid scarf  and a brightly colored scarf used as a neck band offer contrast to her white dress.

Keywords:  1853, Winterhalter, Cecilia Lubomirska, Cecylia Zamoyska, Cecylia Lubomirska, Zamoyski family, Lubomirski family, Countess, Princess, Polish, straight coiffure, neckerchief, jacket, lace collar, close sleeves, bodice, high neckline, scarf

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