1911 (June) Buckingham Palace Garden Party

From pinterest.com/laurencedenies/robe-1912/ enlarged one third. Also posted to the Belle Époque Slender Silhouettes 1910 to 1914 Album here.

1911 (June) Buckingham Palace Garden Party From pinterest.com:laurencedenies:robe-1912: enlarged one third trimmed

The stunning dress in the center probably prompted the photo. All three hats are big and the center and left people wear high collars.

Keywords (left person to right person):  1911, flowered brim hat, trimmed jacket, lapels, wrap, close skirt

feathered hat, blouse, high enclosing neckline, under-dress, scoop neckline, elbow length close sleves, lace contrasting cuffs, tight under-skirt, lace blouson over-dress, strap sleeves, buttons, waist band, tight over-dress, gloves, parasol

brim hat, veil, high enclosing neckline, jacket, jacket ornament, long close sleeves, turned back contrasting cuffs, close skirt, purse

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