ca. 1603 Archiduquesa Konstanze (1588-1631), reina de Polonia in a black dress by Frans Pourbus the Younger (Schloss Ambras -  Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria)

Upgrade image posted 12 May 2019 from the museum’s Web site. Also posted to her Subalbum.

ca. 1603 Archiduquesa Konstanze (1588-1631), reina de Polonia in a black dress by Frans Pourbus the Younger (Schloss Ambras -  Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria) From museum's Web site

Contance is dressed in somber Spanish style with her false sleeves and jewelry punctuating the otherwise all-black saya.

Keywords:  1603, Pourbus the Younger, Queen Constance of Poland, Constanze von Österreich, Erzherzogin Constanze, Konstancja Habsburżanka, Królowa Polski, Archduchess Constance, Habsburg family, Vasa family, Archduchess, Queen, Polish, straight coiffure, ribbon headdress, chignon, jeweled fitted bodice, high enclosing neckline, lace-edged ruff, carcanet necklace, pendant, necklace, jeweled tabbed hanging sleeves, tapered close false sleeves, lace back-flared cuffs, girdle, vee waistline, farthingale, handkerchief, saya

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