ca. 1618-1620 Elizabeth Knollys, née Howard (1586–1658), Viscountess Wallingford, later Countess of Banbury attributed to Daniel Mytens (Kenwood - Hampstead, London, UK)

According to her article in thepeerage, she was Catherine Knyvett’s daughter. She married Edward Vaux shortly after William Knollys, her first husband, died. Two children survived to adulthood.

From; fixed the upper edge with Photoshop and filled in shadows to bring out the drapery of her veil and dress. Also posted to the Late Farthingale Era - 1590 to 1620 Album here.

ca. 1618-1620 Elizabeth Knollys, née Howard (1586–1658), Viscountess Wallingford, later Countess of Banbury attributed to Daniel Mytens (Kenwood - Hampstead, London, UK) From shadows fixed upper edge

Lady Elizabeth’s belt matches her under-dress. She wraps her veil around to the front of her conical skirt and ties it to her belt.

Keywords:  1618, Mytens - Daniel, Elizabeth Howard, Elizabeth Knollys, Lady Knollys of Greys, Viscountess Wallingford, Countess of Banbury, Howard family, Knollys family, Countess, British, straight coifure, jeweled headdress, veil, earrings, lace floating ruff, over-dress, jacket over-bodice, vee décolletage, strap sleeves, hanging sleeves, belt, natural waistline, peplum, under-dress, under-bodice, high enclosing neckline, long close false sleeves, rosettes, lace-edged back-flared cuffs, bracelets, close over-skirt, tassels, jeweled lace-edged handkerchief

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