Katherine Parr by ? (National Portrait Gallery - London, UK)

A well-known portrait of Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's last wife, in a spectacular red dress by an unknown artist. She was Henry VIII's last wife and the most often married English Queen - four times.

Her Wikipedia article is here.

Upgrade image posted 9 May 2015 from Wikimedia; shadows filled in.

Katherine Parr by ? (National Portrait Gallery - London, UK) Wm UPGRADE

She appears to be wearing a pearl-edged scarf under a feathered cap. Her sleeves are adorned with spectacular embroidery and small decorative aiglets (from the French word for needle). Larger aiglets were a prominent feature of Spanish dress.

Keywords:  Katherine Parr, Queen, Henry VIII, English, straight coiffure, jeweled feathered hat, jeweled cap, vee neckline, collar, long puffed sleeves, false sleeves, cuffs, necklace, rings, aglets

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