Widowed Marie de Medici by ? (location unknown to gogm)

Marie was widowed by assassination in 1610. She was being crowned Queen of France and Henri IV's coach was stuck in traffic when the assassin struck.

Marie then immediately banished Henri IV's mistress Catherine Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues from court.

From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr; image size halved and a small number od spots throughout image removed with Photoshop.

From the lost gallery's photostream on flickr.

Widowed Marie de Medici by ? (location unknown to gogm) the lost gallery despot

Marie is dressed in widow's dress, black with touches of white, plain white without lace, on her ruff, bertha, and cuffs, in this portrait.

Keywords:  Marie de Medici, Queen of France, Medici family, Bourbon family, Queen, French, stright coiffure, attifet, trapezoidal neckline, collar, neckline ruff, outer ruff, veil, modesty piece, tabbed sleeves, long puffed virago sleeves, back flared cuffs, revers, stomacher, full skirt, necklace, earrings, fan, widow's dress

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