1570 Madeleine le Clerc du Tremblay by François Clouet (Weiss Gallery, sold - current location unknown to gogm)

In this Clouet portrait, Madeleine le Clerc wears a black dress accentuated with matching jeweled dress ornaments and necklaces as well as a striking white lace neck ruff.

The Weiss Gallery can be found here.

I tried to tease out details of the sleeves and bodice, but no details could be brought out.

The apparent thickness of the neck opening is remarkable, it makes a pretty part of the body grotesque. The clothing may have been welcome in winters when the closed neck trapped body heat and warmed blood flowing through the neck to the head, but not in the summer.

The arrangement of necklaces and buttons is exceptionally graceful.

Keywords:  1570, Madeleine le Clerc, Clouet - François, French, straight coiffure, high enclosing neckline, escoffion, neck ruff, lace, jeweled headdress, earrings, carcanet necklace, necklace, jeweled bodice, jeweled sleeves, puffed cloth ornaments

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