1579 Margarethe-Elisabeth von Ansbach-Bayreuth in Munich by Lucas Cranach the Younger (Alte Pinakothek, München Germany)

Lucas Cranach the Younger portrayed a colorfully dressed Margarethe-Elisabeth von Ansbach-Bayreuth in this 1579 painting.

There's a good Cranach the Younger site here.

She wears a reticulated headdress under the cap and what seems to be a high-collared black coat as part of her dress.

She wears black robe, maybe velvet, over a gown that seems to be made of peach satin striped with tan. The cuffs and ruffs punctiate the otherwise black and peach dress with white. The black robe attaches with two clasps at her neck; I assume she slipped it on after going through the proceedings of putting on her dress.

This shows the jewelry of the day - gold work with pearls and colored stones. She wears a girdle, but it almost vanishes against her dress.

Ladies of the various Germanic states were showing their stuff...

Keywords:  1579, Cranach the Younger, German, ruff, hat, rolled sleeves, cuffs, collar, curly coiffure, jeweled hat, jeweled headdress, carcanet necklace, draped necklace, French sleeves, jeweled crucifix, jeweled coat, girdle, rings, jeweled cuffs, jewel ropes, bracelets

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