1916-1917 Ad for Patria Irene Castle costume by Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon

From wfpp.cdrs.columbia.edu/pioneer/ccp-lucy-duff-gordon/ via Google search; enlarged by half and removed monocolor tint.

1916-1917 Ad for Patria Irene Castle costume by Lady Lucy Duff-Gordon From wfpp.cdrs.columbia.edu:pioneer:ccp-lucy-duff-gordon: via Google search X 1.5 detint trimmed

Irene Castle promotes a movie serial wearing a midi-length flounced and expanded skirt and a décolleté strap bodice.

Keywords:  1916, Lucy Duff Gordon as designer, Lucy Duff Gordon, Lucile, Lucy Sutherland, Lady Duff Gordon, Irene Castle, American, straight coiffure, chignon, strap bodice, square décolletage, vee waistline, midi-length close flounced skirt, shoes

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