María Luisa de Orléans by ? (location unknown to gogm)

From 1 using a link provided by Louis Ortiz.

María Luisa de Orléans by ? (location unknown to gogm) From 08 1

María Luisa wears a green guardainfante/tontillo dress in this portrait with a major brooch on the bertha and more brooches following en escalón (later called en échelle). Her close slashed sleeves are closed with matching clasps. Her dress has a corrugated modesty piece, turned up in the middle like a crescent bodice of a century earlier. Engageantes or cuffs explode from her sleeves at about elbow height. Her bodice is one piece - no stomacher or revers unlike the pannier dresses that came later.

Keywords:  Maria Luisa de Orleans, Orleans family, Habsburg family, Queen, Spanish, long straight coiffure, off shoulder crescent neckline, modesty piece, bertha, lace, stomacher, deep vee waistline, tight sleeves, slashed sleeves, under-sleeves, engageantes, earrings, brooch, clasps

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