1596 Landgräfin Magdalene von Hessen-Darmstadt, née Markgräfin zu Brandenburg by ? (location ?)

Her genealogical article is here.

From the lost gallery’s photostream on flickr; removed spots from background. Also posted to the Late Farthingale Era - 1590 to 1620 Album.

1596 Landgräfin Magdalene von Hessen-Darmstadt, née Markgräfin zu Brandenburg by ? (location ?) despot background TLG

Hessian fashion keeps up with Franco-English fashion - homogenization is complete. The arrangement of the wheel on her farthingale is hidden. The vee waistline is not quite as deep as some English examples. The embroidered stripes are a prominent feature of this dress and small bows with jeweled centers replace aglets.

Keywords:  1596, Magdalena von Brandenburg, Magdalena von Hessen-Darmstadt, Landgräfin zu Hessen-Darmstadt, Hohenzollern family, Hesse family, Countess, German, straight coiffure, jeweled cap, fitted bodice, neckline ruff, high enclosing neckline, carcanet necklace, pendant, draped necklace, tabbed hanging sleeves, bows, long puffed false sleeves, lace-edged back-flared cuffs, bracelets, rings, girdle vee waistline, gloves, handkerchief, farthingale

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