A replica of one of Catherine the Great's dresses (Catherine Palace - Pushkin, Leningrad Oblast, Russia)

Upper image from snarky-librarian.blogspot.com-2011-08-baltic-sea-cruise-part-iii.html, lower image from saint-petersburg.com/pushkin/catherine-palace.asp. Snarky-librarian probably had the same guide I did visiting the Hermitage, Irina. This dress was not on display when I visited the Catherine Palace.

The blue-and-white ceramic article is a winter-time space heater.

Also posted to Catherine II’s Subalbum.

A replica of one of Catherine the Great's dresses (Catherine Palace - Pushkin, Leningrad Oblast, Russia) From snarky-librarian.blogspot.com-2011-08-baltic-sea-cruise-part-iii.html 28.35

This dress may be based on the portrait seen in the last image.

Keywords:  Catherine II, Princess, Tsaritsa, Ascania family, Romanov family, Russian, off shoulder straight neckline, lace modesty piece-bertha, long close sleeves, lace forward-back flared engageantes, tabbed bodice, vee waistline, panniers, order chain, order sash, order star, robes, regalia

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