1801 Coronation dress of Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna (Moscow Kremlin Museums - Moskva, Russia)

This comes from the Moscow Kremlin Museums - Музеи Московского Кремля.

From fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com-post-171291181070-coronation-dress-of-empress-elizabeth-alexeievna; print removed from images with Photoshop.

1801 Coronation dress of Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna (Moscow Kremlin Museums - Moskva, Russia) From fripperiesandfobs.tumblr.com-post-171291181070-coronation-dress-of-empress-elizabeth-alexeievna deprint

Elizabeth Alexeievna’s coronation dress pays no heed to the prevailing revolutionary styles. The profuse lace sleeve ruffles is noteworthy. So are the modesty piece and bertha.

Keywords:  1801, Elizabeth Alexeievna, Luise Marie Auguste, Prinzessin von Baden, Елизавета Алексеевна, Princess, Tsaritsa, Baden family, Romanov family, Russian, lace-edged modesty piece, shallow U-neckline, under-dress, fitted bodice, lace bertha, scoop neckline, over-dress, long sleeves, lace ruffles, waist sash, close over-skirt, train, coronation dress

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