Polish Princess by Pauquet freres

From griffons.com/Paquet-Brothers-1875-Polish-Princess-XV-and-XVI-Centuries.html.

Polish Princess by Pauquet freres From griffons.com/Paquet-Brothers-1875-Polish-Princess-XV-and-XVI-Centuries.html

This is a 19th century estimate of a 15-16th century dress. Poland is in northern Europe and removed from the Gulf Stream. This dress is a response from the fur-trimmed jupeczka to the ear-covering headdress.

Keywords:  Pauquet freres, Polish, fur feathered hat, jupeczka, fur, buttons, quarter length full sleeves, bodice, high round neckline, girdle, long tight sleeves, back-flared cuffs, lace, vee waistline, farthingale, carcanet necklace, necklace, earrings, bracelets, handkerchief

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