1619-1620 Princesa Anne Dagmar de Dinamarca y Noruega, Reina de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda by ? (location ?)

Anne died in 1619 so this is a posthumous portrait to some extent.

From internationalportraitgallery.blogspot.ca/2014/02/retrato-de-la-reina-anne-dagmar-de.html.

1619-1620 Princesa Anne Dagmar de Dinamarca y Noruega, Reina de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda by ? (location ?) From internationalportraitgallery.blogspot.ca/2014/02/retrato-de-la-reina-anne-dagmar-de.html

Anne of Denmark’s dress has a pair of semaphore-like jeweled bodice ornaments that her sheer collar, possibly trimmed with lace, rest upon.

Keywords:  Anne of Denmark, Anna af Danmark, Anne of Oldenburg, Queen of England, Queen of Scotland, Oldenburg family, Stuart family, Princess, Queen, British, bouffant frizzy coiffure, jeweled framing headdress, hair jewelry, earrings, necklace, jeweled fitted bodice, U-neckline, lace collar, lace bertha, brooch, bows, jeweled tight tabbed sleeves

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